Friday, February 17, 2012

GAMEOVER Anthology on Kickstarter

Me and 15 other amazing sequential students (ARTISTS!) are putting together an anthology book and are starting a Kickstarter project to collect the funds to actually print it! If you do not know what Kickstarter is make sure to follow us on our blog because you could be able to help us get this out there. And not only that, with your collaboration you will receive great rewards including the printed book. So come in and take a look!

15 otros estudiantes de artes secuenciales (ARTISTAS!) y yo estamos trabajando en una antologia y estamos armando un proyecto en Kickstarter para reunir los fondos para poder publicar el libro. Si no sabes lo que es Kickstarter sigue nuestro blog porque podrias ayudarnos a imprimir el libro. Y no solo eso, con tu colaboracion recibes distintas recompensas incluyendo una copia del libro impreso!